Can the IRS Suspend Your Driver License in New York?
New York State can suspend a taxpayer’s New York State Driver’s License if a taxpayer owes $10,000 or more in:
- Taxes
- Penalties
- Interest
and no collection resolution is in place (such as an installment payment agreement, income execution or offer in compromise).
New York State will send you a notice giving you 60 days to resolve your tax liability. If you take no action, the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance will notify the DMV about your delinquent taxes. The DMV will then send you a notice giving you 15 days to resolve your tax liability before your driver license is suspended.
To avoid having your license suspended, you must either pay your outstanding balance or enter into a collection alternative, such as an installment payment agreement, offer in compromise or income execution.
Exemptions to the Program
There are some exceptions to the program. Commercial Driver Licenses are not subject to suspension through the program. Also, taxpayers who have their wages garnished to pay child support are exempt from the program.
We Can Help
Do not wait until you lose your license! Call or email Wynne Law, P.C. today to discuss what your options are for keeping your driver license.